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SmartHome solutions control the interaction of all devices that are available in one's own SmartHome. The only problem is that most cloud-based solutions are operated on Asian servers, i.e. far outside our current data protection regulations. But even other cloud-based SmartHome controls that access European or American cloud servers are not safe from hacking or "data leakage". In the worst case, any system with a connection to the internet can be intercepted or manipulated. Even intercepting the data traffic of the cloud-based solution can incure a high security risk. Because most SmartHome solutions are operated in your private home network and connected to the Internet, the home network itself can become a point of attack. What could happen in the worst case? Attackers gain access to the cloud and evaluate the data traffic of your SmartHome configurations in order to obtain sensitive information from your network or to actively attack the network. Attackers would thus have control over your data or direct, access to your devices connected in the SmartHome.
Direct access to my devices possible? This possibility always exists with SmartHome solutions that are connected to a cloud via the Internet. Because SmartHome solutions allow you to access the devices from anywhere in the world, attackers could also specifically access the devices in your SmartHome. Access to solutions that can be controlled via the Internet Do you use your SmartHome via the Internet to raise the temperature of the heating thermostats before you arrive home, switch on the lights or take a look at the surveillance cameras? In the event of a digital attack from outside, on the cloud or on your own network, anyone can use and manipulate the same control options. Dealing with your own sensitive data Due to the fact that many cloud-based solutions are located on servers outside the EU and the associated data protection options, no one knows to what extent or by whom the private data is collected, evaluated or processed. Protect your SmartHome and your private data and trust in a solution without cloud. This is exactly the point where the open source Tasmota firmware and the Tasmotrol SmartPhone app can show their strengths.